
Author: Fabio Martino


22 September 2019

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Traumreise in neue Welten

Norddeutsche Rundschau Emotionen an den Tasten Tschaikowskis Konzert für Klavier und Orchester, Opus 23, meint man zu kennen: klassischer, satter und […]

05 December 2018

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

For the first time in the Czech Republic, in our country in Pardubice, and such a success!

Pardubice – There are concerts that are remembered for a long time. The three November subscription evenings of the Chamber Philharmonic […]

01 October 2018

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Fulminant concert of a still young pianist

Fabio Martino, still young: his name is already mentioned in a row with the best pianists of the World. On […]

21 January 2018

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Sinfoniekonzert mit Ausnahmetalent am Klavier

Sinfoniekonzert mit Ausnahmetalent am Klavier Wuppertal. Sage nochmal einer, die Wuppertaler Konzertbesucher seien nicht mehr begeisterungsfähig. Weit gefehlt. Im 5. […]

17 January 2018

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Fabio Martino lässt keine Wünsche offen

Fabio Martino lässt keine Wünsche offen …”Fabio Martino aus Brasilien heißt der Nachwuchspianist, der vor der Pause zu Recht mit […]

17 January 2018

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Fabio Martino will die Welt aus den Angeln heben

Fabio Martino will die Welt aus den Angeln heben Der Konzertpianist spielt mit dem Sinfonieorchester. Das 5. Sinfoniekonzert am Sonntag, […]

14 December 2016

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

USA: Critic compares Fabio Martino with Arrau and Richter

In an interview, I recall a noted
 Brazilian pianist remarking, only
 half facetiously, that after soccer,
 what his country loves […]

06 December 2016

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

Miami International Piano Festival

“Martino is an amazing artist who combines brillant technique, profound understanding of the music, and the ability to engage and […]

04 November 2016

Posted By: Fabio Martino // Read More

CD PASSION: This isn’t only virtuoso it really rocks! Magnificent!

  One experiences often enough that the younger the artist – the longer his curriculum vitae. In the booklet accompanying […]

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